+61 7 4031 5255



  • 11次潜水
  • 潜水保险
  • 住宿接送
  • 全套基本潜水装备
  • 双人或双单人床房
  • 膳食
  • 免费WI-FI

  • PADI


要真切体验世界七大奇景之一的大堡礁,对于热爱潜水的您一天当然不够!参加 Pro Dive Cairns 的三天两夜船宿行程能给予你更多时间在大堡礁上探险,感受当中日与夜的不同风光,您将会在外堡礁不同的潜点停留,在良好的能见度底下探索大堡礁无比的生命力!

在船宿期间你将会有机会参加多达11次的潜水,包括2次夜潜及利用其余时间进行浮潜。Pro Dive Cairns 在 Flynn, Thetford, Milln and Pellowe Reefs,四个壮丽的珊瑚礁上拥有19个独特的潜点。船宿可让你在一天中不同的时间下潜,在稳定的水下能见度之中,让您体验大堡礁惊人的海洋生物多样性,包括巨蚌,海龟,魟鱼,礁鲨,各种各样的热带鱼和壮观的珊瑚形态。夜潜更将你带入夜间出没的海洋生物世界。

在每次潜水之间,您更可在 Scubapro 中舒适地放松身心。 Scubapro 就是专门为船宿潜水而建造的,配有空调,单人双床房或双人大床房,甲板宽敞,含免费WiFi及餐饮,务求向乘客提供在"家"的舒适。由于每次出海人数有限,大大降低船员与客人之间的比例,从而提高我们对每位乘客的专业服务质素和更能关注每位学员的需求,让这趟学习的旅程成为一个高品质的个人化体验。

除了周二以外,这个船宿行程6天都能在凯恩斯出发!Pro Dive Cairns为期三天两夜的船宿提供了一个真正令人难忘,令人兴奋的平台,亦是各位休闲潜水员最全面地体验世界自然遗产 -大堡礁的最佳选择之一。



  • 荣获PADI五星潜水和职业发展中心,绝对是为专业而打造。
  • 所有潜水员工都是合附资格的 PADI 潜水教练,是一支充满激情而且经验丰富的专业团队,在体验和安全方面,都能确保您潜水时的质量。
  • 我们的船只最多可搭载32名乘客和6名船员,为您提供更个人化的体验。
  • 我们提供真正的船宿体验,每次出海都在海上停泊三天两夜,并不是一艘接驳船,来回接送不同乘客。
  • 提供19个高质量的潜点,让您体验不同的珊瑚礁和潜水。
  • Pro Dive Cairns 是一个拥有高级生态旅游认证的运营商,致力于大堡礁的长期保育发展。
  • Pro Dive Cairns 具有世界上最高的安全标准之一。安全是第一是我们的首要任务,致力成为世界上最安全的潜点之一。

自选升级课程 及 额外收费 


PADI 进阶开放水域潜水员课程




Enriched air Course

PADI高氧潜水课程 (Nitrox)


使用高氧氣瓶 (nITROX) 


$105Per person



建议出发前一天先到位于凯恩斯市内,Grafton Street 及Shields Street 交界的 Pro Dive Cairns 零售店内,安排行程所需的潜水或浮潜装备,并完成登船所需文件。 Pro Dive Cairns 零售店营业时间为每天早上九时三十分至晚上七时正。



Tripadvisor Reviews

4.5Excellent! (Based on 740+ Reviews)

- Reviewed 23 July 2022 -
Advanced open water with Prodive

This was our second trip with Prodive Cairns. We completed separate courses over a 3 day period. As usual the facilities, food and diving were great but what really elevated this trip were the crew. Floriane is an amazing asset to prodive. Flo is friendly, knowledgeable and professional and she does it effortlessly. Leo was also fantastic in his ability to observe and correct parts of my diving. The dive briefs were comprehensive and this really improved our navigation skills. Due to multiple concurrent courses there were at times some confusion as to what was happening but the staff were approachable and this was always sorted out. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up on another prodive trip in the future.
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- Reviewed 17 July 2022 -
Gayl E

Wonderful Experience and fantastic Crew and Dive Masters. Minkie Whale Experience was out of this world. I completed my Advanced open water dive cert and Nitrox Cert on this trip. Flo and Pedro were fantastic! Food was sensational! It definitely was a Eat Sleep Dive Trip! Relaxing and exhilarating all in one! Would highly recommend!
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- Reviewed 23 November 2022 -
Gav B
You are never to old to experience diving with Pro Dive Cairns

I want to thank Pro Dive for an amazing experience, for the value of such an experience both personally and within the economic valueI would also like to express as a 56 year old how amazing my instructor and dive master, Satoshi was, he took his time in a space that had to fit a lot of knowledge and training within a short amount of time.What Satoshi gifts is a formal knowledge and an ability to share this knowledge calmly and without frustration, a sometimes rare trait in today's fast paced environment... he would often take that breath to explain, show and listen to each of us and our individual needs. He also gifts a beautiful sense of play, his play is sensitive, and is in no way showing off; he offers an experience of flow within his play, encouraging us students to breathe and find our own sense of curiosity. Lastly Satoshi encouraged us, he gave us permission to learn through a somatic expression—by both talking and showing us the things we needed to learn, he then took the time to allow each of us to find our own unique sense of learning, he listened and watched us, encouraging even within our mistakes.I appreciate that he took me as an elder diver under his wing, Satoshi never stopped encouraging me, giving me confidence to keep experiencing.I also want to say everyone at Pro Dive were amazing... the boat was great, the food fantastic, beds comfortable, knowledge of the reef and inclusion of everyone into a team is very special.And everyone at the store, booking in and helping me was greatThank you again for a very special 56 birthday Kindness Gav
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