+61 7 4031 5255

PADI 海洋实习训练转介课程 (三天)

  • 9 潜
  • 潜水保险
  • 住宿接送
  • 全套基本潜水装备
  • 双人或双单人床房
  • 膳食
  • 免费WI-FI

  • PADI


如果您在其他地方完成了PADI潜水课程中的泳池训练和理论培训,你可以参加Pro Dive Cairns 为期三天的船宿,以完成其余开放水域证照的海洋培训; 当中您将有机会进行多达9 次潜水。首四次都是与培训有关的潜水,然后你就可以获得PADI开放水域潜水员的资格。往后可以在船上进行另外五次潜水,来让你的水中技术更熟练!其中一次是令人兴奋并且是由潜水教练带领的的夜潜!

Pro Dive Cairns在 Flynn, Thetford, Milln and Pellowe Reef,四个壮丽的珊瑚礁上拥有19个独特的潜点,供学员及乘客进行各种潜水和浮潜体验。船宿可让你在一天中不同的时间下潜,在稳定的水下能见度之中,让您体验大堡礁惊人的海洋生物多样性,包括巨蚌,海龟,魟鱼,礁鲨,各种各样的热带鱼和壮观的珊瑚形态。夜潜更将你带入夜间出没的海洋生物世界。

在每次潜水之间,您更可在 Scubapro 中舒适地放松身心。 Scubapro 就是专门为船宿潜水而建造的,配有空调,单人双床房或双人大床房,甲板宽敞,含免费WiFi及餐饮,务求向乘客提供在"家"的舒适。由于每次出海人数有限,大大降低船员与客人之间的比例,从而提高我们对每位乘客的专业服务质素和更能关注每位学员的需求,让这趟学习的旅程成为一个高品质的个人化体验。

除了周二以外,这个课程一周6天都凯恩斯开课!这为期三天的海洋实习训练转介课程提供了一个真正令人难忘,令人兴奋的平台,让各位成为一名认可的潜水员,而且您同时能够探索壮观的世界自然遗产 - 大堡礁!

在开始你的潜水课程之前,你需要完成自我评审的初级潜水学员健康声明书。如当中有任何”是” 的选项即表示该现存健康状况有可能在潜水期间影响你的安全,你必须寻求医生诊断(建议潜水相关医学专业医生),并拿到医生证明书以证明身体健康状况适合进行潜水活动。健康声明书需于潜水课程开始前九十日内完成。 初级潜水学员自我评审健康声明书可在透过此连结下载:

为什么选择 Pro Dive Cairns?

  • 荣获 PADI 五星潜水和职业发展中心,绝对是为专业而打造。
  • 所有潜水员工都是合附资格的 PADI 潜水教练,是一支充满激情而且经验丰富的专业团队,在体验和安全方面,都能确保您潜水时的质量。
  • 我们的船只最多可搭载32名乘客和6名船员,为您提供更个人化的体验。
  • 我们提供真正的船宿体验,每次出海都在海上停泊三天两夜,并不是一艘接驳船,来回接送不同乘客。
  • 提供19个高质量的潜点,让您体验不同的珊瑚礁和潜水。
  • Pro Dive Cairns 是一个拥有高级生态旅游认证的运营商,致力于大堡礁的长期保育发展。
  • Pro Dive Cairns 具有世界上最高的安全标准之一。安全是第一是我们的首要任务,致力成为世界上最安全的潜点。


  • 尽量多提问,我们的潜水教练乐意为你解答任何疑问, 令作为潜水员的您更有自信。
  • 请指出任何令你感到不适的地方,如装备有关的舒适度(系带太紧)
  • 水肺潜水对体能有一定要求,多喝水补充身体水分
  • 保持正面思维,千万不要轻易放弃!如果你遇到任何困难,教练们随时都在身边帮助你!


建议出发前一天先到位于凯恩斯市内,Grafton Street 及Shields Street 交界的 Pro Dive Cairns零售店内, 安排行程所需的潜水或浮潜装备,并完成登船所需文件。 Pro Dive Cairns 零售店营业时间为每天早上九时三十分至晚上七时正。



Tripadvisor Reviews

4.5Excellent! (Based on 740+ Reviews)

- Reviewed 1 November 2022 -
Nizam S
Sydney, Australia
3 days at the GBR - amazing

Was great fun getting out to the reef. Good beds to sleep, and food is all cooked for you. All you need to do is gear up and dive dive dive !
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- Reviewed 9 November 2022 -
Adam Wilson

Flo was amazing, great fun & very knowledgeable. Would defiantly recommend her and the rest of the pro dive team.
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- Reviewed 26 June 2022 -
Consider another operator if you're an experienced diver

I wish I had read some of the reviews from more experienced divers before I booked the 3 day liveaboard with prodive. Writing this review to cover the things I wish i knew before booking.The crew did their best with what they had but ultimately its just a low cost, low quality, high volume operation:- most divers on board were doing their ow certification, which I think influenced the sites we went to. We spent most of our time on flynn reef and only moved to milln reef for the last two dives. Not sure about the rest of the GBR but a lot of the sites were bleached and sad.- no guides are provided, and you're on your own to navigate to the sites and find interesting critters. Quite a few people I talked to didn't end up in the right place or see the things we were supposed to. Instead of enjoying the dives, a lot of it was trying to situate ourselves or look after the more inexperienced divers. If no guides are provided, than a minimum number of dives would be appropriate to ensure safety- no effort was made to buddy up solo divers based on experience and air consumption. It was uncomfortable seeing someone realise their buddy was highly inexperienced and try to communicate that they didn't feel safe or confident with them as a buddy as we were getting ushered into the water.- open water divers were on their own without guides/divemasters immediately after getting certified, and a lot of them looked pretty rattled. All the safety checks and head counts seem pretty pointless if they're happy to send out two extremely inexperienced divers out on their own- no idea why the staff didn't tell divers to take motion sickness tablets when we were checking in or before boarding the boat - they told us way too late when the boat was already in choppy waters, and 20+ people threw up for 2 hours straight.- this last point is being picky but the boat was at full capacity which meant uncomfortably cramped seating arrangements for meals, and being in each other's way when we were putting on our gear - this could easily be managed by staggering entry into water by groups rather than have all 32 people getting ready at the same time.
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