+61 7 4031 5255


大堡礁四天 PADI 开放式水域潜水员课程

  • 6次潜水
  • 住宿接送 第一天 & 2
  • 潜水裝备

  • 热水淋浴s
  • 午餐 第三天 & 4

  • 教室与船舱内均设有空调

  • PADI

四天 开放式水域潜水员课程

想踏出一步成为有证潜水员到蔚蓝深海探险?如果时间上有限制,让您没法参加我们常规的五天课程和船宿之旅,这个为期四天的课程是一个很好的选择。课程的首两天将在我们的 五星级PADI培训中心进行 。之后的两天在大堡礁的日归游船进行海洋实习训练。在这里,我们有着全年温和的水温,海流,及清晰的水中能见度。在大堡礁上获取你的潜水证将会是这地球上最好的地方之一。

Pro Dive Cairns 的四天 PADI 开放式水域潜水员课程与 TUSA Dive 的大堡礁日归潜水行程合办。课程首两天会于专为潜水教学而建的Pro Dive Cairns 训练中心学习潜水理论及在四米深的恒温泳池进行水底潜水技巧培训。其后两天将随 Tusa Dive 乘坐高速双体船到达大堡礁进行四次开放式水域潜水培训及两次休闲潜水,并于每天返回你位于 Cairns 的住宿地点。

注意: 由于此课程由两间不同潜水公司合办,所以课堂教学,泳池练习及开放式水域训练(海洋实习)将会由不同教练教授及在过程中更换潜伴。 TUSA Dive与 Pro Dive Cairns为间独立的公司。


  • 荣获 PADI五星潜水和职业发展中心,绝对是为专业而打造。
  • 所有潜水员工都是合附资格的PADI潜水教练,是一支充满激情而且经验丰富的专业团队,在体验和安全方面,都能确保您潜水时的质量。
  • 澳大利亚的潜水行业受到严格监管,安全是首要条件。澳大利亚是在世界上其中一个最安全的学习潜水的地方之一。


在开始你的潜水课程之前,你需要完成自我评审的初级潜水学员健康声明书。如当中有任何”是” 的选项即表示该现存健康状况有可能在潜水期间影响你的安全,你必须寻求医生诊断(建议潜水相关医学专业医生),并拿到医生证明书以证明身体健康状况适合进行潜水活动。健康声明书需于潜水课程开始前九十日内完成。 初级潜水学员自我评审健康声明书可在透过此连结下载: 


  • 尽量多提问,我们的潜水教练乐意为你解答任何疑问, 令作为潜水员的您更有自信。
  • 请指出任何令你感到不适的地方,如装备有关的舒适度(系带太紧)。
  • 水肺潜水对体能有一定要求,多喝水补充身体水分。
  • 保持正面思维,千万不要轻易放弃!如果你遇到任何困难,教练们随时都在身边帮助你!


请注意: 住宿接送时间就各住宿地区略有差异,请先与职员联络确认接送时间。另请携同课程收据及/潜水健康证明(如需要),午餐費用,护照或澳大利亚驾驶执照,泳装及毛巾。



Tripadvisor Reviews

4.5Excellent! (Based on 740+ Reviews)

- Reviewed 23 July 2022 -
Advanced open water with Prodive

This was our second trip with Prodive Cairns. We completed separate courses over a 3 day period. As usual the facilities, food and diving were great but what really elevated this trip were the crew. Floriane is an amazing asset to prodive. Flo is friendly, knowledgeable and professional and she does it effortlessly. Leo was also fantastic in his ability to observe and correct parts of my diving. The dive briefs were comprehensive and this really improved our navigation skills. Due to multiple concurrent courses there were at times some confusion as to what was happening but the staff were approachable and this was always sorted out. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up on another prodive trip in the future.
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- Reviewed 3 August 2022 -
First Liveaboard experience and now Advanced Open Water & Nitrox certified!

This was our first experience on a liveaboard - it was amazing and definitely a memorable one!My husband and I completed the Advanced Open Water Course with instructor Courtney who was absolutely fabulous, kind and very patient instructor. We had daily briefings with Caro, and also had Lucy and Michael who were amazing. Safety always comes first. Not forgetting Scott who never kept us hungry and cooked such amazing delicious food! And our skipper Angus who kept us going. Journey was very rocky but we were pre-warned and took Travacalm regularly to keep us going.What an energetic, professional group of people - we are so happy we went with ProDive on the 3-day liveaboard! Thank you guys and keep up the good work!Cheers, Beth & Tim
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- Reviewed 19 July 2022 -
Guilherme R
Diving, diving, diving!

Spent 3 days on a boat diving like there was no tomorrow! The crew (Kevin, Big D, Caleb, Lisa, Sam, Marinos and The Captain) were always helpful, fun and instructive. Would definitely recommend for experienced divers, for those who wish to learn how to dive or just for the fun of diving.
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